Monday, January 14, 2008

Vocabulary and Rice

Looking to improve your vocabulary, or know someone who needs to? Free Rice is a pretty nifty site being touted by a lot of school districts as a great way to catch up on SAT vocabulary. After visiting the site several times myself, I think it would be a pretty good brush up for someone taking the GRE or MAT. The deal is, for every vocabulary word you get correct, the sponsors (yes the ads are a negative) on the free rice site will donate 20 grains of rice to the United Nations project to end world hunger.

Ingenious idea really, or should I say dexterous, or shrewd, or effectual, or adroit...


Anonymous said...

Yup. I'm back. I may need a nudge every now and then to remind me to post though.

Love the idea of that Free Rice site. I think I just found my new time killer!

Anonymous said...

...or wiener.


Rachel Rae said...

ha ha!

Anonymous said...

gee... i wonder if once again anonymous is really suzy.

no, it couldn't possibly be her.

suzy is much too classy to write stuff like that on the internet...

or too drunk! it's one or the other.